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Is university for me?

1) You got the money

2) You know what you're doing

3) It will help you get employed

Yea go to uni...

1) You DON'T got the money

2) You're a headless chicken

3) Not necessary to get employed

Nah bro...

How do I choose a uni program?

1) Expose yourself in a lot of fields

2a) Do what you enjoy doing 

2b) Do what will get you a job

3) Create some future goals!

1) Join clubs and extracurriculars

2) Just talk (everyone wants to           make friends tbh)

3) Go to early to class and talk!

How do I make friends at uni?

Any pro-uni tips you got?

1) Profs got keys to opportunities

2) Don't buy textbooks, FIND THEM

3) Go to tutorials on first week of class - where you make good friends

4) Pre-read lectures and STUDY

5) Make friends to help with school (and for...FRIENDS!)

6) Enjoy it (uni goes too fast)

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