You came to the right place if you're looking to pursuing BBA at Laurier!

What's up? I'm Victor Ou and I'm a first year student at Laurier's BBA program! If you have any questions after reading this, you can hit me up on Instagram @victor.ou or contact me via email at
Let's talk about the school:
My experience at WLU has been fun and its mainly because of the new group of friends that I made as well as how kind the people are. I chose WLU last minute and I was always under the assumption that universities were all roughly the same in Canada. I definitely learned a lot and I have met many people that inspired me at WLU.
- Everyone is so nice so it's very easy to talk to everyone and there is practically no pressure
- Lazaridis Hall is super cool looking (look above!) It offers tons of resources such as many Bloomberg terminals (for all you finance guys)
- If you are in a single degree, the workload is manageable so you can have time for your own hobbies as well!
- Marking scheme in the program is somewhat subjective and although the material is important, it is not taught well
- Most of the residences are not in good shape, you'll find yourself missing home a lot
- If you really want to improve yourself, it is about the human capital that you acquire outside of school (reading, learning a skill unrelated to your program etc...)
Advice to My First-Year Self:
Besides schoolwork, read the news and read books. By keeping up with the world and the science, technology, and economy, it makes networking with older, more mature and knowledgeable people a lot easier.
What I Wish I knew:
I wish I knew what I wanted to do at an earlier age and I wish I honed in on my interests in a more profound manner at a younger age so that when I went into university I could be ahead.
Keep at it! Don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any!