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Dear Uni to Be

York University (Schulich School of Business) - BBA

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

Hey! My name is Deston Wong and I study at the Schulich School of Business at York University! My program is the Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in the class of 2023!

If you have any questions after reading, you can reach me at

My experience:

I’m currently a freshman honours BBA candidate studying at the Schulich School of Business who’s aiming to graduate in 2023. It’s been a wild ride at Schulich so far and I can confidently say I’ve learned a lot during my first year. Coming out of high school (PETHS) not too long ago myself, I believe my experiences can help you guys a lot!

Pros and Cons of the Schulich School of Business


  • Inclusive and diverse cultures represented as a result of being located within the GTA

  • Various methods of travel to and from areas near Toronto

  • Tuition is relatively cheap and competitively priced in terms of Canadian business schools

  • No constant late-night partying/disruptions (depends on residence) – a downside if you’re a party-goer

  • Multiple accommodation options include residence, renting, and living from home


  • Many first-year students (and students in general) tend to be “commuters”

  • Not many students who enter from Trudeau or Markham area in general


Pros and Cons of the BBA Program PROS:

  • Reputable business program within Canada

  • Variety of clubs offered both at York and Schulich (business and non-business)

  • Curriculum is well-rounded for all aspects of business (marketing, accounting, etc.)

  • Potential to specialize in multiple areas – no major or minor in the program

  • Abundance of networking opportunities in professional business settings


  • Difficult workload (applicable to any university, but worth a mention)

  • Competitive, cutthroat nature

  • Grades are mandated (limited to 60%-75% average)

NOTE: More course info can be accessed here for BBA and here for iBBA!


Words of advice!

What’s one thing you wish you knew about university before coming in?

Before coming into university, students are often invited to visit the campus and attend workshops or similar events to be familiar with their surroundings. However, it would have been beneficial to know about how difficult the transition from high school to university life would have been in hindsight; although some aspects were discussed, as there are numerous factors that are not formally explored (life away from home, difference between Schulich and York courses, etc.). One can see that the structure of a defined timetable within high school varies greatly different at Schulich, and having the motivation to regulate a schedule requires innate development.

Is there anything you would do differently in second year?

As a student that spent most of my time on the focus of academics and courses, I urge others to also focus on extracurriculars and clubs in one or two specific areas they may be interested in. Although many high school students have heard the emphasis on this point, it’s undeniably true that soft skills truly sell. Schulich has an extremely competitive environment similarly to other universities, however more so in clubs and events rather than academic coursework, thus it’s also extremely easy to feel as if you’re falling behind if you don’t constantly pressure yourself to improve in multiple areas.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your first-year self?

If I had the chance to provide one piece of advice to my first-year self, I would emphasize the fact that everybody adjusts to changes at a university at different rates. Within my initial year, I constantly felt pressured to push myself out of my comfort zone which was beneficial in the sense that it allowed me to learn a lot more about myself. Simultaneously, such actions led to unnecessary stressful situations, and I often found myself participating in certain events to simply “fit in.” As a result, the concrete advice I would provide to myself is to have confidence in my own value and self-worth, and emphasize the importance of both pushing my boundaries yet deriving meaningful value out of every interaction.

Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

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