Let's talk a little more about the Engineering program at UofT!
Hi! I'm Jacqueline Chang and I'm a First Year Engineering Major at the University of Toronto, St. George Campus! I'm going to share a bit about my first year!
My Experience
The first semester for first-year engineering students is notorious for being one of, if not the hardest semesters around. It was indeed one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced, but I believe that because of the high level of difficulty and expectations, it has made me grow as a student and as an individual. Not only that, but because of the large presence of the international community, in both staff and students, it has made me more knowledgeable and made my experience so much more interesting.
Pros vs Cons of the University
Large database with tons of research information (includes access to international partner universities)
Many international students to learn from and have interesting conversations to learn about their culture.
World-renowned research facilities and professors.
In the big city so there are lots of things to do and eat.
Commuter school so it may occasionally be hard to spend time with friends that are not in residence.
Really big campus, so you might get lost.
Pros vs Cons of My Program
There is always a challenge.
Good reputation and strong alumni outreach.
There is a first-year class that introduces and mimics problem-solving and professionally working with clients as an engineer.
Program is not orchestrated to just focus on math and sciences; courses also challenge teamwork and other skills such as report writing.
Everyone knows that it is hard, so even if your performance may not be the best, your classmates will be very supportive and try to help you.
Large workload, but you learn to study smart to reduce it.
Very difficult content to match international standards.
Advice to My First Year Self
Walk everywhere. Whenever you're down, just go for a walk, you'll see so many people buzzing around with their problems. It'll make you realize that lots of people have problems but they push through and solve them. So your problem is also minuscule and manageable. It'll improve your mood and stay healthy. Also, a good way to prevent freshman 15. What I Wish I Knew
Save your money for special and emergency occasions only. There's so much to do in the city so much you have to explore, and lots of cool events! Save your money well for those times.